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Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog where I desire to bring awareness to the MS disease through my transparent everyday journey. By sharing a piece of my life, I wish to promote change and inspire those who read. Please enjoy and share these stories with someone who could use a word of encouragement.

         "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength"  - Philippians 4:13

You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. 
- Maya Angelou
Writer's picture: Lisa RayLisa Ray

None of us want to experience being ill, moreover seeing a loved one sick. It’s hard seeing them in pain, suffering with discomfort.

I know for me I wish I could take the pain away or take it for them. It’s amazing how my mom took care of me, proving food, shelter and love. She treated my siblings and I so special, as mothers do. I always admired her beauty inside out, her faith in God, and oh yes her strength! The things she has endured, I truly can’t imagine going through. She has persevered, overcame many trials, and remains faithful! She taught us to pray, love one another and keep God first! When I look at mommy today I see God all over her. He is keeping her because of her faith. Lastly, I remember how my mom took good care of my grandmother...abuelita; so here I am with my siblings taking care of our mom today.

According to Exodus 20:12 “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.” Wow the circle of life. I love you mommy❤️

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Writer's picture: Lisa RayLisa Ray

Updated: Jul 31, 2018

I wake up to you everyday happy You are with me

Laying in my bed as I pray thankful that you keep me

The love you have for me brings me joy and gives me peace

I can boldly face another day because of the way you treat me

Strength for my journey in every way

Thank you for waking me up again today!

I love You Lord📷️📷🏾

“A Prayer for my friends...

Father in the name of Jesus I Praise you, I adore you and exalt your Holy name! I thank you for Grace and Mercy in the midst of the storm. I plead the Blood of Jesus over my life and circumstances right now and for anyone who reads this. I am more than a conqueror because of You. I pray for Divine favor, Victory, Protection, Healing, Restoration and Preparation, Your wisdom and discernment in all things. You make the impossible possible. I pray for peace that surpasses all understanding. Father order my steps for your word says the steps of a righteous man are ordered. Remember those less fortunate. Have Your way mighty God! No weapon formed against us shall proper. Continue to teach me your way and show me how to share your Love with others in Jesus name with Praise and Thanksgiving AMEN! Hallelujah!

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Writer's picture: Lisa RayLisa Ray

FORGIVENESS...sharing my reflection, read and be blessed.

Harboring an offense is not forgiving. The Lord our father paid the price for our sins at Calvary. It also reflects that all of the insurmountable sins that God clearly could have taken as an offense from us. He instead has forgiven us. It made me realize that there were times in my life when I did not feel the presence of God and during those times I was angry with someone.

It was a hard place to be in and when I finally forgave the person, God showed up! We must forgive those who hurt us in order to move forward in our Christian walk. Moreover we cannot inherit the Kingdom of God with a heart full of unforgiveness. When we forgive others then God will surely forgive us. Luke 6:37 Share this with family and friends so they can let go of hurt and pain and free themselves.

God speaks

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