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Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog where I desire to bring awareness to the MS disease through my transparent everyday journey. By sharing a piece of my life, I wish to promote change and inspire those who read. Please enjoy and share these stories with someone who could use a word of encouragement.

         "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength"  - Philippians 4:13

You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them. 
- Maya Angelou
Writer's picture: Lisa RayLisa Ray

Friends, family, and associates have always viewed me as someone with great confidence and strength. Being the youngest of four siblings, I often found myself being protected and somewhat catered to by them. However, it really was their unconditional love for me, and I see that now. The same love Jesus has for us! According to 1 Corinthians 13:7 7 “It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.” I would always try to get away from them thinking they are trying to be in my business; you see I wanted to be independent. While trying to be independent, I suffered with feeling insecure and inadequate.

Comments people made to me influenced those insecurities. Insecure about my body shape, my complexion, and my confidence. I strive for people to know the heart of me. We often put on a defense or guard to protect ourselves from being hurt. However, while we guard our hearts, God is protecting us and giving us a discerning spirit to recognize the enemy!

In 2 Timothy 1:7 He has not given us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power , love, and a sound mind. God makes us who we are and we are wonderful in His eyes! He makes no mistakes. So, love God and follow His lead, learn to love yourself and love others!

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Writer's picture: Lisa RayLisa Ray

Healthcare is NOT a priority for this country. There are countless people who are suffering with ailments and diseases literally fighting for their lives. What kind of world are we living in that everyone cannot get (afford) healthcare insurance? When we do it’s funded through non profits that run out of money to help those in dire need! I’ve seen friends suffer with cancer, heart disease and diabetes, countless friends with health issues and their families unable to afford insurance.

My God many times people have to make a choice to eat or get insurance, keep a roof over our heads or feed our families...what about health insurance...what ABOUT human compassion! Where’s the love.. Eat healthy , exercise, and live longer. Okay so make food affordable so we can get the best quality or show us how to grow our own food. I am venting but this is clearly an alarming issue we deal with in all of our families.

We have to adjust our schedules to prepare our meals, exercise, work, and get our spiritual food. I need a new plan to manage a demanding schedule but I am worth it and so are you!

Ms. Ray

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Writer's picture: Lisa RayLisa Ray

This is not a cliche!

Have you ever worked on a project that was someone else’s vision? Well I recently had the privilege of working with some dynamic people on Ralph McDaniels 35th Anniversary Of Video Music Box in association and with the support of the King of Kings Foundation of Jamaica Queens. Ralph McDaniels was responsible providing a platform for hip hop and old school artists to have their videos seen and music heard since 1983.

Furthermore, he produced videos as well for NAS, Black Moon, and Bell, Biv, Devoe (BBD), just to name a few. Raised in Brooklyn for a number of years, Ralph would eventually move to Queens. After a successful event celebrating 35 years of VMB on July 7th at Coney Island featuring artists such as Fat Joe, KRS One, Nice & Smooth, Special Ed among others. With his connection to Queens and the King of Kings Foundation both Ralph and Lance thought it not robbery to include pioneer hip hop artists performing at Roy Wilkins Park in Jamaica, Queens.

The planning went on over a period of a month or so; where Lance Feurtado and Ralph McDaniels brought together groups of professionals and confidants to realize Ralph’s vision of celebrating the great artists that came out of the borough of Queens. Furthermore, through built relationships both men were confident that this event would be one for the history books. Featured artists included Kid N Play, Sweet Tee, Keith Murray, Mr. Cheeks, Frick N Frack, DJ’s SMV, Kid Capri and Red Alert! Elected officials, the community and a host of others supported the event.

It was an amazing day with nothing but love as we supported Ralph McDaniels in realizing his vision with a phenomenal team; too many to name...You know who you are and together we created something great! All honor and glory to God. A big thanks to Ralph McDaniels, The King of Kings Foundation, all of the Bike and SUV clubs, and the entire team! Teamwork makes the dream work and we’re just getting started. Stay tuned!

Ms. Ray

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