None of us want to experience being ill, moreover seeing a loved one sick. It’s hard seeing them in pain, suffering with discomfort.
I know for me I wish I could take the pain away or take it for them. It’s amazing how my mom took care of me, proving food, shelter and love. She treated my siblings and I so special, as mothers do. I always admired her beauty inside out, her faith in God, and oh yes her strength! The things she has endured, I truly can’t imagine going through. She has persevered, overcame many trials, and remains faithful! She taught us to pray, love one another and keep God first! When I look at mommy today I see God all over her. He is keeping her because of her faith. Lastly, I remember how my mom took good care of my grandmother...abuelita; so here I am with my siblings taking care of our mom today.
According to Exodus 20:12 “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.” Wow the circle of life. I love you mommy❤️