What are you always in search for? Is it love, Is it money, Is it peace? Everyone wants love, wants to be loved and be important in someone else’s life. Everyone wants money because we do need it to pay bills and get the things we need. But the big misconception is money will make you happy. You can have all the money you ever wanted and still feel empty and alone. For me yes I want to be loved and appreciated, but give me peace. There is nothing like having peace; peace in the midst of storms, trials, hardships or experiencing pain of any kind. I dare say that as long as I have peace I can endure. With peace there is freedom and in that freedom you can experience joy. How do you achieve that...well by experiencing the love and the peace of God. God loves us unconditionally and we can go to him for everything we need; all our concerns. There is peace with knowing God, and his peace surpasses our understanding. The longer I live the more I realize there is nothing like peace. I know that God loves me more than anything!