You are the glue that keeps us all connected, to the ancestors of our family to ensure we respect it.
Keeping family together with unconditional love, teaching lessons of resilience, showering us with your wisdom and more
Loving and kind like our creator, protecting like a lion, a King, a lioness Queen...making us all feel special, believing in us and in our dreams
Matriarch, Patriarch - the head of our tribe, here or in Heaven, in our hearts always alive Wearing many hats, advocating for us to have a place in life, with respect and dignity, like Jesus paid the price, you have sacrificed
Keep tradition alive, Sunday family dinners, celebrating birthdays and enjoying life Keepers of secrets, recipes with your special spice
Homemade lemonade and sweet tea too, perfect in taste made just right by you Making everything special in our life; Grandmother that’s how you made us feel
because you loved us with the truth and always keep it real
Grandfather the jack of all trades, provider protector, teacher of faith We always felt secure you made sure we had plenty of food, but also taught us manners and how not to be rude
We will always cherish Mother to the motherless, Father to the fatherless
Grandparents your support and love helped us grow We honor and appreciate you more than you’ll ever know
Following the son, our Father Jesus Christ

Thanking you for directing us in this circle of life. Well done!